Welcome to the home page for

'Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome'

Uniting the world behind one term for illness related 

to Wireless Radiation & Electromagnetic Fields 

After many hard-working months, the OneName Project has reached the end of its one-name quest...and entered a new era of advocacy for our community, an era defined by respect, empowerment, and unity of message — under the banner of one name. Yes, it's happened. Based on your rich and varied input, top leaders of the movement from the US, Canada, and Europe have chosen one, singular, powerful name to label the condition that many of us share: 

Formal Name: Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome 

Common Name: EMR Syndrome 

Acronym: EMR-S

There are many aspects of the name EMR Syndrome that make it a superior choice:

1. Simplicity. EMR Syndrome is an easy label for the public to learn, latch on to, and use in conversation; this is in alignment with our main objective to help establish the existence of emf-related illness in the public mind. 

2. Educational Benefit. As the public hears the name EMR Syndrome repeated in various applications related to health effects, it will begin to link EMR/electromagnetic radiation to those health effects. Over time the meaning of EMR will take hold and be understood for the environmental threat it is.

3. Spectrum of Illness. With the understanding that no one name can be in perfect synchrony with a complex, multifaceted disorder, the Decision Making Committee chose not to rely on technical medical terms, diagnosis codes, or scientific precision. In its wisdom, the committee decided to create a broad, comprehensive term that will resonate with the public and carry our movement into the future. As all electric and magnetic fields are part of the electromagnetic spectrum... and frequencies, from low to high, have the ability to disrupt human physiology through emanated or radiated field effects, it can be said that EMR Syndrome is broadly inclusive of all emf-related illness and encompasses all biological systems that are impacted by electromagnetic fields and radiating sources.


4. Respect for Who We Are. The name EMR Syndrome does not single out sufferers as the cause of their own condition by labeling them as hyper or sensitive. In this way, it respects the individuality and humanity of those with EMR Syndrome

5. Empowerment of Advocates. While several prominent organizations, scientists, and medical professionals worked overtime on our behalf (thank you!), the unsung heroes of the movement are those with EMR Syndrome themselves. We are the ones who day-in and day-out are asking for accommodations and quietly spreading the word to friends, family, doctors, etc. We are the ones showing up at our city councils to change the laws. Until now, these tasks have not been easy as our efforts have been stunted by the need to define ourselves as hyper or sensitive. No more. We can now press forward with confidence, pointing the finger at the toxic effects of man-made, wireless, electromagnetic radiation, and electromagnetic fields. Added to this new empowerment, one united name will magnify the impact of our efforts. 

6. Miscellaneous. EMR Syndrome is easy to pronounce, understand, and has no strong, competing acronym. As public awareness climbs, nothing stands in the way of EMR Syndrome and EMR Syndrome from rising to the top of online searches.

[A special note: For those countries that have used the name ElectroHypersensitivity (EHS) extensively, it may be advantageous to maintain EHS in their scientific literature, while introducing EMR Syndrome into everyday language. This dual approach would allow all people with EMR Syndrome to achieve the above-listed benefits… as we come together as one, memorable worldwide force to raise awareness. Many medical illnesses have two names: a medical one and a public one, e.g., conjunctivitis/pink eye, rubeola/measles, varicella/chicken pox, etc.]

Abundant thanks to our global Decision-Making Committee (DMC) who took on the challenging mission of bringing the one name goal to fruition. Over the course of many hours and days, and with extensive input from the community forum, our prestigious panel arrived at a spectacular conclusion. See the attached list of those who served on the DMC.  

Most of all, we are forever grateful to each and everyone of you for your contributions to the OneName Project. The thinking and ideas you generated informed our expert panel, and placed them in an optimal position to make a decision. There is no limit to our thanks to you, our community.

Next Steps

Simple. Starting now, begin to use EMR Syndrome in your everyday speaking, accommodation requests, and advocacy work across the board. The naming process, which will soon be documented, has worked its magic. EMR Syndrome Accommodation Cards are in the works and will serve the dual purpose of 1) requesting a personal accommodation and 2) educating the public about EMR Syndrome. Once the name begins to roll out, we will look toward building recognition with educational brochures, a website, social media campaign, and so much more. 

With deep honor to past accomplishments and a sense of awe at this community's determination to gain what is rightfully theirs...we thank you for taking this journey forward with us... and invite you to join hands as we take the next giant step together.




Kent Chamberlin, Ph.D., Past Chair and Prof. Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNH and advocate for those with EMR-S

Nicholas Martin, United Kingdom; advocate for those with EMR-S 

Andrew Molnar, Director of Ithacans for Responsible Technology; experiencing EMR-S

Ruth F. Moss, Director of SafeTech Westchester; experiencing EMR-S

Pam Wallace, Director at SafeTech Forward in Michigan; experiencing EMR-S